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Submissions now closed

Submissions have now closed for 2025. Sign up to our mailing list to hear more about the Young Artists' Summer Show and get involved next year.

How does it work?

Artists are at the heart of everything we do at the Royal Academy of Arts — we believe in nurturing and celebrating the next generation of artists. Taking inspiration from the Summer Exhibition, the Young Artists’ Summer Show is a free, open submission exhibition for young artists aged 4–18 years studying in the UK. The project is generously supported by Robin Hambro, a passionate advocate for the importance of access to art, and the benefits of encouraging the arts, for children and young people.

To take part, teachers must first register their school. Next, teachers and parents/guardians can submit artwork on behalf of students. These artworks are then judged by a panel of artists and arts professionals with selected artworks displayed online and on-site at the Royal Academy of Arts.

Key dates for 2025

Registration and submission open

6 January - 5 March 2025


May 2025

Online exhibition opens

15 July 2025

Display at the RA open

15 July - 10 August 2025

Who can take part?

Students aged 4-18 living and studying in the UK can enter artworks. Homeschooled students are welcome to submit too. Read more about submitting as a homeschool.

How can I enter?

Submitting artwork is completely free and is done online. First, a teacher needs to register the student's school. Once the school is registered, a teacher or parent/guardian can submit artwork on the student's behalf.

Each student can submit one artwork and there is no theme. When you enter, we’ll ask for an image of the artwork plus some information about the piece such as title, size, and some text written by the artist which can include why they created the work and what it means to them. Our panel of judges will see the artwork and the selected pieces will be shown in our online exhibition. Some of the artworks will also be shown at the Royal Academy of Arts.

Maryam, Age 9

"I just felt really arty, and I was like, I have a really great idea, I just need to let my ideas flow. I'm so proud of myself that I could just cry."

Maryam, Age 9

What kind of artworks do you accept?

We’ve written some guidance on the kinds of artwork the judges are looking for when they review submissions. The artwork can be made using any material; it can be a painting, sculpture, photograph, installation, video, drawing, or a combination. There is no theme so artworks can be of any subject and we don’t mind when you made the artwork as long as you are between 4-18 years old when you submit it. We also welcome collaborative pieces made by more than one student, a whole class, a whole year group or even a whole school! If you’re submitting as or for a student at GCSE, A Level or BTEC level, we suggest submitting artwork that is not being assessed for exams.

How does the judging work?

Artworks are viewed and judged by a panel of experienced and passionate artists and arts professionals and they work together to select which artworks will be shown online and which will be shown at the Royal Academy. Previous judging panels have included Royal Academicians Rana Begum, Assemble, Mali Morris, Ryan Gander, Vanessa Jackson, Neil Jeffries, Cathie Pilkington, Bob and Roberta Smith and Phyllida Barlow. Judges are looking for imagination, originality and skill and seek to represent young artists across the breadth of the UK whilst considering a fair balance of state and fee-paying students.

For more information about the judging process, see our FAQs.


Prizes are awarded each year for inspiring artworks. You can also vote for your favourite artwork in our annual People’s Choice Award.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question that isn’t answered here? Have a look at our FAQs.